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Rense Miller:
"Mendocino Beacon," 2 March 1889; Fort Bragg Items -- Editor Beacon:
James Jorden [sic], the contractor and builder of the Baptist church, which is being erected in this place, met with a fatal accident last Saturday afternoon. He was upon a scaffold, which was insecurely built, and it gave way, precipitating him to the ground. He fell a distance of 72 feet, striking his head and shoulders on a stay. The unfortunate man was carried home insensible, in which condition he lay until he died Sunday evening about 7 o'clock. Deceased leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss.
A few years ago we were contacted by : June Thomazin and we found out we have relatives buried in the cemetery here in Fort Bragg, Rose Memorial Park .James Jordan.
James Jordans wife.
Rense's great grandmother
Rense's grandmother